Esoteric X-01 D2

Hoping for some more information on this player in terms of strengths, weaknesses, likes or dislikes. Of course, associated equipment would be appreciated with those preferences.

Have great day all,

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Well for what it's worth I too have an X-01 D2 coming after the EMM "one box wonder", the ARC Ref07 and a DCS P8i. In my mind the Esoteric is on a much higher playing field than the other three. It takes a bit of time to break in but then the resolution coupled with a highly musical presentation is very satisfying.I very much doubt that redbook can go much furthur but who knows. I thought the EMM to be much better than the ARC and DCS but not as clean and refined as the Esoteric. Frankly the ARC is grossly overrated to me and is best suited to systems that are bright or overly detailed because you're going to miss the high end detail provided by the EMM or the Esoteric in a well balanced system IMO. However also in my humble opinion the EMM player's ergonomics and build are shameful at the price and the company is goofy. The Esoteric people are helpful and friendly which is nice in audio these days. A very good one box player!