ESOTERIC N-01 Replacement For My PS Audio BHK Preamp & Directstream Dac with Brige ll

I have Auditioned the Esoteric Grandioso K1 on several occasions and I cant seem to find anything that comes close. My thoughts where to replace my BHK Preamp and Directream Dac for the Esoteric N-01 Network Player Dac since it is the same Dac as the Grandioso's minus the Super Audio CD Player. My thoughts is to go with the Esoteric N-01 XLR out to my Audio Research 160S direct and use it as a digital Preamp only out to my Focal #2’s.

Showing 4 responses by dznutz

Fit and finish will be light years ahead on the Esoteric compared to the Lumin.  Beyond that its all personal preference.  I would audition the Bartok as well.
As pe the gentleman proclaiming the Esoteric is built better not possible, the Esoteric is made out of plates of metal, vs the Lumin which is cut out of billet aluminium.

Rest assured that I have owned 2 Esoteric pieces along with 4 Lumin, including two X1's.  I could not find a single flaw in the metalwork or assembly on the Esoterics, the Lumins had plenty.  Including flaws in the raw base aluminum that the brushing process was not able to completely remove.  Most people wont notice but those who appreciate flawless finish will.
Only flaws in the X1 were early production cases all current cases are flawless.

Concerning on a $14K piece is it not?  Did Lumin take them back and replace them?  I think not based on my own experience with their $200 USD umbilical.

Lumin is a very communicative company with some well engineered products, but the almighty dollar rules.