ESOTERIC N-01 Replacement For My PS Audio BHK Preamp & Directstream Dac with Brige ll

I have Auditioned the Esoteric Grandioso K1 on several occasions and I cant seem to find anything that comes close. My thoughts where to replace my BHK Preamp and Directream Dac for the Esoteric N-01 Network Player Dac since it is the same Dac as the Grandioso's minus the Super Audio CD Player. My thoughts is to go with the Esoteric N-01 XLR out to my Audio Research 160S direct and use it as a digital Preamp only out to my Focal #2’s.

Showing 4 responses by audiotroy


You may want to also check out the Lumin X1 which is in the same league as the Esoteric NS O1 yet costs $6k less.

Both of these are really fantastic units the nice thing with Lumin is that they are constantly improving their firmware with over the air upgrades to always ensure that their products are working well and stable.

The Lumin is also very attractive and compact

The Lumin is also a techological tour de force with a dual mono, ESS 9038 pro chip set with a independent Lundhal output transformer for each channel, which helps the X1 to create a very fluid sound.

The X1 uses some very advanced clocking with multiple Femto clocks driven by an FPGA based buffer.

Another fascinating feature the X1 built in optical ethernet connection which allows you to totally isolate the dac/sreamer from network noise and this feature is very inexpensive to implement.

The reviews of the X1 have been all raves with Allan Sircolm of Hifi Plus proclaiming that you have to spend to to three times the money of the X1 to get anything which may sound even better.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ Lumin dealer
Bluemartini, the DCS Vivaldi is a $35k dac vs the Lumin which is a $14k Dac/streamer.

So in terms of price to performance the Lumin might be a bit of a disadvantage.

The sonics of the Lumin would be in the same camp as the mega players for a fraction of the price which is why the Lumin X1's are selling as fast as Lumin can make them.

Everyone who hears a Lumin X1 is usually blown away by how fluid and organic the sound is. The Lumin manages to sound both resolute and liquid at the same time, the DCS Bartok is a cleaner leaner presentation.

from the post comparing the two sounds DCS vs Lumin
I can only speak to the Lumin.  I have owned the D1, A1and now the X1.  I ended up selling my Emm Lab Dac after getting the X1.  I had a Raven Integrated Reflection MK2 amp and SF Amati Tradition Homage speakers.  People who came to my house were amazed at the quality of my sound.  My whole music library is digital and I also used Tidal.  The ease and simplicity of the Lumin ap is what initially sold me on Lumin.  Each iteration I went to improved the sound dramatically.  

(X1 outperfromed a very well respected $15k Dac)
nickolaspappas23 posts11-10-2019 12:39pmThe best way I could describe the difference would be that the Lumin’s sounded more real and natural. Guitars, pianos, voices, etc... sounded more like they do in real life. As a result everything sounds less like a recording. I went in expecting the Bartok to be clearly superior, and I was also prejudiced against Sabre chip based DACs. The Bartok has a much better feature set, and will undoubtedly hold its value better, the Lumin’s just sounded better.

(Compared the Lumin and prefered over the Bartok)

We were long time Esoteric dealers and eventually dropped them because most of their products were over engineered and were more expensive than the sound quality we were receiving. 

We had the $22k D02 and the $15k EMM Labs dacs were better and the Lumin A1 sounded nearly as good as the Emm lost a tad in terms of resolution but was oh so musical. 

In our shop we have a huge selection of state of the art digital including the $35k Light Harmonic Davinci, still the best sounding dac probably ever made or at least in the handful of upper eschelon dacs, we have the $35k T+A SDV 3100 which is wonderful, the Lumin X1, the Naim NDX, the Mytek dacs, the Aqua Hifi Formula and a few others plus Baestis, the Innous Statement, and currently a trade in Memory player, so we have a lot of experience with state of the art digital.

We have found that you have to spend a boat load of money more than an X1 to gain a really appreciable difference, you can just purchase an X1 add a good set of footers and a power cable and have one of the best sounding pieces of digital out there for a lot less.

As pe the gentleman proclaiming the Esoteric is built better not possible, the Esoteric is made out of plates of metal, vs the Lumin which is cut out of billet aluminium. 

In 2020 we will be exploring a totally fascinating Italian reference dac and a few others to add to our stapes. 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ Lumin dealer

Only flaws in the X1 were early production cases all current cases are flawless.

The reality is solid billet trumps plate metal for sonics any day of the week.

Considering that the Lumin is $6k cheaper, offers optical network connectivity for superior ethernet connection,  as well as regular ota upgrades, and fantastic sound quality
 makes a pretty strong case for being the market leader at this price point.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ lumin dealers
Bluemartini Dcs has always favored resolution over musicality.

The lumin will easily challenge the NS 01 yet costs $6k less.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ Lumin dealers