Esoteric K-01

Has anybody had an opportunity to listen to the recently announced Esoteric K-01? I was also wondering about the price. Thanks

Showing 20 responses by aplhifi

You are welcome, Guido!

Absolutely; I am looking forward to that!

Best wishes,

Alex Peychev
Hello Guido,

The NWO-M has the AK4399 DACs working in an unusual configuration resulting in different level of performance.

The balanced transformer-coupled tube output stage has the following features:

1. Fully differential configuration
2. One triode per phase (hot/cold) on the signal path
3. No negative feedback
4. No solid state components on the signal path
5. Custom made Oxygen Free Copper output transformers by Lundahl, Sweden
6. Vintage E182CC tubes made in Holland
7. Because of the output transformer coupling, the user can enjoy exactly the same audio quality from XLR or RCA output depending on the preferred output configuration without any additional components on the signal path.
8. Filter-less design for linear phase in the hearing range.

Hope all is well!

Alex Peychev

What? AK4399 DACs sound better than AD1955 and PCM1704? No, that cannot be! :-)

Of course I am kidding! Congratulations! I am sure the K-01 is another fine digital example by Esoteric!

Alex Peychev
Hello Matjet,

I was unfamiliar with APL until today. I did a little research after reading your response to my note. Your NWO 4.0 is very impressive. It appears that Esoteric may have learned a thing or two from your work. I have some questions:

Thank you for the nice words! Ever since the NWO-1 was introduced 6 years ago, Esoteric Japan is aware of my developments. In fact, their team auditioned the NWO-1 and NWO-3.0-GO at CES. They have offered great support over the years for which I am very thankful and grateful, and I am very happy that their lead-design engineering team considered evaluating the AKM DACs and now implementing them in their products!

1)Why did you not preserve the ability to use a high end external master clock with the NWO (like the Esoteric G-ORb)? Do you feel a G-ORb could improve the performance of the NWO 4.0 if the NWO allowed for use of an external clock?

What I use from Esoteric players is the enclosure, the top-line VRDS-NEO transport (the same as in their P-01) and associated DSP that is also partially re-designed. Everything else is removed. This said, the entire clocking architecture is replaced with my proprietary modules. While I am sure Esoteric had their reasons for such design, I believe that my approach brings better results and does not benefit from external clocking at all. So now the clock input is transformed to coaxial S/PDIF digital input accepting up to 192/24.

2) What is the retail price of a new NWO 4.0? How long a wait for delivery? Where can it be purchased?

The older UX-1 and X-01 players (Including their Limited Editions) featuring the top-line VRDS-NEO transport are no longer in production, sorry to say. Depending on whether you'd like Universal playback (UX-1) or CD/SCAD only (X-01) a "donor" is required for the NWO-M re-design. The donor working condition is not of concern.

This is an all-hand-made boutique (including circuit boards population with microscopic surface-mount components, and point-to-point wiring) that is built to order by me personally and is sold factory direct. Current re-design cost to NWO-M is $25,000 with 3 years warranty included and it takes 4 weeks from "donor" and deposit receipt.

3)Where can I listen to an NWO?

I have several audiophiles interested in the NWO-M, so I am flying my own unit here from Europe. It is possible to arrange audition in the beginning of 2011. Please email if interested.

4)How do you brake-in the NWO for SACD (the Isotek disc is a CD). How much time do you feel the break in process requires?

I use dynamic large orchestra classical music for SACD burn-in. I was told once that there is SACD disc available with Pink Noise track on it, but I was never able to find it. As reported by my customers, the machine takes up to 500 hours to break-in, but that is the case with most audio electronics.

What power cable(s) and interconnects do you recommend?

I use my own cables so I am unaware what else works best, sorry to say. I'd recommend low capacitance solid-core OFC cables with minimal or no shielding using conductors with reduced surface area dielectric contact. Maybe it is good idea asking other NWO owners here on Audiogon or on my forum.

Best wishes for the Holiday Season!

Alex Peychev

I tried posting a response but it looks like it was not up to moderator's liking, and probably for a good reason.

Anyway, here is a summary of what I think:

1. Esoteric digital is synchronous so it benefits from external clock for the sake of synchronization between multiple clocks used, even in the single-box players. If you are trying to justify external clock for your K-01, I am sure you will be happy, so go for it.

2. APL Hi-Fi digital is asynchronous so there is no benefit from using external clock, even if it is Atomic.

3. To my knowledge, clock stability has nothing to do with clock jitter. For example a clock rated at 25ppm will result in 0.0025% speed stability. Clock rated at 1ppm will result in 0.0001% speed stability. In both cases, this is something you cannot hear and in both cases the clock jitter performance (short term stability) remains the same.

Best wishes,
Alex Peychev
Hello Matjet,

Different engineers like to take different design approaches, the ones they believe are best for their equipment. This said, I cannot further elaborate on why external Esoteric clocks improve the sound of their digital audio equipment without getting into technical details which may be a conflict of interests and against the non-disclosure agreement we have signed. Maybe it is a good idea to contact Esoteric and ask them to provide an explanation that will help you better understand the benefits of their external clocking when used with their digital audio players and systems.

I have chosen asynchronous because it brings better results with my design approach.

If you are indeed interested auditioning the NWO-M and evaluating its performance, we can arrange it. Otherwise, there is no point trying to prove what we think is better or not from a technical point of view. After all, the audio quality achieved is the most important aspect, and I am sure that it will take you about 30 seconds to determine the NWO-M performance level. Of course, it is not at all fair comparing production equipment with an all-hand-made boutique. This is the reason why Esoteric and APL Hi-Fi do not really look at each other as competitors. Hope you’d understand!

Best wishes,
Alex Peychev

There are many audio manufacturers currently based on two or more continents.

The NWO-M was developed in Europe, as well as the new DAC-S, and we have more products coming up, so I think it was a great success. Aren’t you happy for me? :-)

Best wishes,
Alex Peychev
You think using the threads to sell is ok?

Bill, last time I checked, you did not miss answering questions about your product line on the forums, correct?

If my responses were not addressed to specific questions, Audiogon moderators will not post it to begin with, and you know that very well. So I don't understand your point, really!

Alex Peychev
Thank you for the nice words Matjet, I appreciate it!

If anyone would care to comment on my observations and conclusions, I would love to hear from you (that includes you Alex).

I think you are on the right track about external clocking.

The single box player transport clock is indeed slaved to the DAC clock. If you use external clock, you are slaving the DAC clock to it, which then slaves the transport.

With separates, DAC clock and Transport clocks are directly slaved by the external clock.

While there might be some benefit using external clock with a single box player of given synchronous design, the improvement is a lot more pronounced with separates, IMHO!

Best wishes,
Alex Peychev
I utilized a G-0s in Rb-oscillator mode at 176.5 clocking rate with my UX-1 Limited; I did find a perceivable improvement in the sound.

This is very interesting because the UX-1 Limited converts DSD to 88.2

Did you hear this improvement with CD or SACD, or maybe 176.4 DVD-A?

With single box players as I mentioned above, the improvements are more subtle, however, with multi-box stacks (like the P-03U/D-03 combo), the improvements are very noticeable, obvious and missed when the clock is removed.


Alex Peychev

The AK4399 DACs have balanced outputs. In order to provide SE output, a balanced to SE converter is required. To me, this appears as an additional stage on the signal path. So I'd be very surprised if RCA outputs sound better compared to the XLR. Of course, you can always experiment.

BTW, where in the US are you located, if not a secret?

Alex Peychev
Anyone compare the K-01 to the EMM XDS1?

And what the point would be, comparing something that has a switching-mode power supply with a linear power? Regardless everything else (digital processing, DACs, analog output stages, etc.), just the power will make such a difference that one will go for the EMM or Esoteric based on the so called "synergy" with the rest of the audio system owned. As simple as that!

Hope this helps!

Best wishes,
Alex Peychev
Esoteric K-01 and EMM XDS1 side-by-side in the same system may be a rather fun experiment...

As always, and it will be sure conclusive, but for the given audio system both components (front-ends) are being evaluated. And make sure you have a really nice power conditioner or power re-generator for the EMM gear.

Of course, you are correct; it will be fun, one way or the other. Part of the "hobby", right? :-)

Best wishes,
Alex Peychev
Of course Alex, it is important to keep independent variables at a minimum

My point was that, there will still be variables which apply for the particular audio system in which both front-end units are being tested. Some will find the outcome helpful, some not. But I agree it will be fun, as always. :-)

Interesting observation Alex about power conditioning on EMM.... Is EMM particularly sensitive to power conditioning? .... Why would this be the case more so than on Esoteric K-01?

Because EMM has a switching power supply and the K-01 does not. So the EMM is much more sensitive to the power source compared to the Esoteric.

Best wishes,
Alex Peychev
There is no 35 bit DACs in the P02/D02; it has the same AK4399 as used in the K-01 (8 per channel) which can process maximum of 32 bits. They probably mean 35 bit processing, which provides some headroom with most audio formats.

I am absolutely certain that the P02/D02 is an extremely good sounding product and I can't wait for someone to compare it with the NWO-M. Same applies to the K-01. :-)

Matjet, I'd stick with the K-01 because it is missing the digital interface between transport and DAC. It is just me, but I favor purer solutions.

Best wishes,
Alex Peychev
Alex - How does the NWO-M compare sonically with the P01/D01/Gorb combo ? Or is that an unfair comparison given the huge price differential ?

Hi Mark,

The P01/D01 (two mono) an Gorb combo sound very good and clean indeed. As reported to me, some prefer the NWO because it sounds more analog/natural. Of course, you must hear for yourself and decide.

Best wishes,
Alex Peychev
I find your comment regarding digital interference interesting. You think the K01 may sound better than the much more expensive two unit P02/D02 (make that 3 units if the G-orb is included)? Can you explain in layman's terms?


I am certain that there are other factors making the P02/D02 superior sounding compared to the K-01. Of course, if everything is made absolutely equal, I believe that the unit without the digital interface will sound better. You'd probably agree that, regardless of how good the digital interface is, it can never be as pure as a short wire connecting the transport and DACs internally.

Furthermore, during our experiments with the NWO-M, I've found that different wire materials (Silver, Gold, plated, copper, OFC, etc.) connecting the transport and DACs all have their own sonic signature, just like it happens with interconnect cables, for example.

Hope this explains it!

Best wishes,
Alex Peychev
Hi Alex, In your opinion, would those "other factors” necessitate using two boxes or could the P02/D02 been designed as a superior one box solution?

Hi Phaelon, there are many possibilities; better power supplies and digital signal processing (they say 35 bit), for example.

Best wishes,
Alex Peychev
Alex, Thank you for your explanation. Have you compared the NWO-M to the Esoteric K-01? How do they compare sonically?


You're welcome! No one has compared the K-01 with the NWO-M so far, but I am really looking forward to it. The AK4399 in the K-01 (and the new D-02) are used according to the AKM datasheet design guide (normal mode) with "Digital Filter Bypass". The "normal mode" AK4399 configuration was used in the NWO-4.0-SE. The proprietary "special mode" we have incorporated with AK4399 made such a difference resulting in NWO-Master. And of course we have 20 DACs per channel against 8, so I am not sure if comparing the K-01 with the NWO-M will be fair at all.

Best wishes,
Alex Peychev