Esoteric K-01/K-03 Owners

Spoke today with the local Esoteric rep to get information on plans to upgrade existing K-01/K-03 users to the "X" model which is only sold overseas at this time. Here is the scoop. (Dates/$$ are only close estimates)

- Upgrades will be available in October 2014
- The upgrade will include the USB input mechanism to support 2.8 MHz DSD (Native Playback) and 384 MHz (PCM).
- There are several other upgrades to the K-01x/K-03x that are not included. (i.e. Upgrades to the DAC, Transport, etc that are direct descendants of the
Grandioso Model).
- Approx. cost is $1,000 (Not including 2-way shipping)
- The Upgrades will be provided in California

Info. on K-03x:

Beats having to buy a new DSD Dac in the meantime if patient.

And if you uninstall the Esoteric driver, I suggest you also cleanup the registry after that... If the driver has installed with some broken pieces, detritus might be left in the registry after uninstallation... And the junk will be around after a fresh install. G.
I might have missed something....did they put out a new driver for the high-end mode so the USB port (asyc HS-2) for the K-01, K-03 and D-02? Have they solved the MacOSX compatibility issue yet for high-speed async mode?
"did they put out a new driver for the high-end mode so the USB port (asyc HS-2) for the K-01, K-03 and D-02? Have they solved the MacOSX compatibility issue yet for high-speed async mode?"

I sent an email to Integra/Onkyo/Esoteric US and here's the response w.r.t. the Yosemite problem and the USB upgrade:

"As of right now, no I have not heard anything from them regarding a fix for the Yosemite issue. Regarding the upgrade for your K-03, there will soon be one for the USB board that will allow DSD 2,8MHz (not DSD 5.6MHz) files to be played, but this is the only upgrade on the horizon.
The USB upgrade should be announced soon with pricing and procedures for K-01 and K-03 on the Esoteric-USA website."

$1500US for the upgrade is pretty steep for Canadians at the moment esp. when the same mod. only cost 100000 yen.

BTW, there may be a good chance that this USB upgrade will also remedy the Yosemite problem by making the USB port Audio Class 2.0 compliance like the two new "X" players (i.e. no need for an USB driver). Hope we got more info. later from Integra/Onkyo/Esoteric US.
I've been communicating with Scott S. and Cedric M. at Onkyo/Integra/Esoteric. They sent out a driver and related software that needs a Windows laptop and USB cable to connect into the D-02,etc... and install/burn a driver update. Important facts in the PDF instruction file and mentioned to me via phone that it will change the display in both MacOSX MIDI utility and other config panels to state "TEAC...." for the driver type and I was told yesterday will change the display of (at least the D-02) DAC itself to read "TEAC" instead of "Esoteric". This fixes the issue but clearly they need to come up with an "All Esoteric" solution......
Update: Just heard from Esoteric that the driver update does NOT change the display of the unit itself, only the way the driver reports itself in MIDI Player, HRAudio/other programs that reflect the detailed info of what driver is being used for audio input.
Thanks. So where can we download the new firmware/driver + the PDF instruction manual? I check the Esoteric website in Japan and couldn't find it. Thanks.

Esoteric/TEAC/Integra has announced in early April that the USB hardware upgrade (DSD compatibility) is available now. It is a $1500 US upgrade. I have tried to contact with them w.r.t. where to send my K-03 from Canada. I haven't heard back from them yet.
I got the files directly from Scott Sefton; I don't believe they have a download site. Send me an in-mail with some means of an getting me your off-Audiogon email and I'll forward the whole email thread that he sent to me....Alternatively, you can ping Scott and have him send direct depending upon your preference.
Not sure if this would be the Service Center for Canada users, but; here is the notice for K Upgrades dated 4/1/15.
I got the files (K-series SACD players HA_2 async. firmware updater + new MacOS driver) from Scott Sefton yesterday. I have just flashed the new HS_2 async. firmware on my K-03 and installed the new driver on my Mac Mini. I have listened to a few hi-res. + CD ripped FLACs and it seems to have solved the problem. So far so good! BTW, after you have flashed the new firmware on your K-series player you have to power cycle it in order for it to be effective.

Now I have to figure out where and how to have my K-03 upgraded to the new USB board for DSD64...
Here is the information for the upgrade path. I will not have a chance to send my K-03 in for at least a couple of months. Would be interested to know what you think if you do so in the near term.

Tap Electronics Company
6920 Hermosa Circle
Buena Park, CA 90620
Tel: (714) 562-7400
Fax: (714) 562-7405

The cost for this upgrade is $1,500 which includes “white glove” freight costs both ways.

NOTE: *The USB Upgrade does not allow for compatibility with 5.6 MHz DSD files. This additional capability is afforded through the K-01X and K-03X models released in late 2014.
Quadesl: Thanks for letting us know the USB driver patch appears to have resolved the issue!
Anybody with a K-03x having disc reading problems?

I bought mine used a few months ago—seller said he was moving up to the K-02—but a few weeks ago the unit stopped recognizing most discs. At first repositioning the disc in the tray worked, but now most discs it just doesn't recognize. All I get is the word TRAY! on the readout.

This is especially irritating since I've got a 1995 VRDS-25 and a 2003 P-70 that continue to perform flawlessly.

Any suggestions appreciated.
This is quite an old thread but I was wondering if the HS_2 on the K-01 USB works with some version of MAC osX? And maybe I need the old Esoteric USB driver for it? The one I downloaded now from the website does not work with Lion, Mountain Lion or Snow Leopard, only with HS_1, the synchronous mode...
anyone can help me find the old driver that came on a cd with the player in the box?
I think the only chance of getting hold of this old driver update is to get in touch with Esoteric. I just checked my laptop and I did not save a copy of the files that Esoteric sent me back in 2015; sorry about that. 
With the kind help of Esoteric America and Teac Japan, we discovered that the dowload link for the mac osx driver for the K-01 was thee culprit. This issue has been corrected and the K-01 works perfectly now on usb HS-2mode with mac osx Mavericks and Audirvana program... sounding amazing too