Esoteric E-03 Phono Stage

Anyone have and/or heard this phono pre: Esoteric E-03?

Soundstage Review

Looks interesting...

Showing 2 responses by mgottlieb

Superb phono amp, replaced a Lamm LP2 because it is a better match with the Esoteric C-03 preamp. Extraordinary detail, no sense of etched quality although it isn't a particularly warm sound. In tonal balance, the phono sound is really quite similar to my Esoteric digital balance (C-03, D-03, G-Orb) even with a Koetsu Platinum cartridge. Very silent (better than the Lamm); no noise issues whatever.
I have had this phono amp for months. It replaced the Lamm, a tube unit. I have detected absolutely no difference between the two as to how audible record defects are. (My cartridge is a Koetsu and arm and turntable are SME.)