Esoteric DV-50S

Yep more on this player. Have read the mega thread (or most of it)and most of the professional reviews. Would like to move up from my Jolida 100 to a universal player that also does cds better than the Jolida. The Jolida is about as tweaked out as I want to get it - level one mods, NOS tubes, Herbies tube dampers, neuance custom board, and ceraball footers. It sounds good. But like concept of all in one box that provides enhanced dvd video and ability to play sacd and others. Question for me is whether the cd will be improved quality over my Jolida, or will it be a saw off, or definately not interested worse sounding for the $3,000 + for a used unit. I live in a place where I can't audition so left to internet information to base purchase. By the way there are currently 6 units listed for sale on Audiogon. Thanks for your thoughts.


Showing 1 response by husk01

David, I have two friends who bought the DV 50S and had them modded by The Upgrade Co. and both of them are thrilled with how they sound. You may want to call David Shulte at the Upgrade Company and talk to him. He has a great reputation in the mod world.