ESL speakers : looking for something..need help

After toying with a few different speakers in my room,
wich is my listening/computer room ( 10' by 16' )

i decided to invest some time and money on a better speaker setup.

I've already invested some good time in reading on DIY electrostatic speakers; read a few books, lots lots of websites, tried a few experiments.

Now i am up to the point where i have more money than i ever had, but much less free time on my hands.

So i must choose between fabricate my own ESLs or buy some already assembled ones!

Here is what i am looking for :

- low-mid -- > high highs drivers
(do not need good bass since i will be using and independant
subwoofer(s) )

-Height must be under 8' since the room is 8' high
but width must not exceed 2' since i do not want it to be too obstrusive.

-Must be of high quality, but i have a budget limit of near 1000-1500$ USD for the pair, i woudl buy in used form to save some $$$ without any problems ...

I was considerin M-Logan's speakers, thought i do not need the "curved" diaphragm surface at all since it is for personal listening, and i assume it makes the room accoustics alot harder to work with then completly lineair speakers
then most ML speakers have woofers on then with huge cabinets wich i dot not need/want

What other choices do i have?

any suggestions will be considered greatly :)

driving those with a pair of Bryston 2B in mono
so roughly 150W of good power

thanks all :)
Find a pair of used CSL Martin&Logan speakers. Just stats- no woofers. Also old pair of Quads might make your budget.
There are a number of choices that don't have woofers. Keep hunting.
acoustat 2 speakers for around 500 are a steal if they are in good condition..the 2+2 and 1+1 models are very good, too, but stand 8' tall

your amplification is adequate at best is my guess. I can a pair of Acoustat 2 speakers with a modified Hafler DH200 (110 watts) years back; did not work very well. In fact, a Bedini 25/25 played louder and with better bass than the Hafler..go figure.

I would want something more along the lines of the Levinson ML9 (25wpc@8ohms, 400 watts @ 0.5 ohms) or a more recent Krell/Threshold/Levinson/Plinius type of amplifier with a monstrous power supply. Or a really powerful valve amplifier like one of the older VTL pure triode monoblocks.
Old Quad ESLs could be a good choice if the width isn't a problem and you don't listen to a lot of rock.
