Erhard Audio vs Decware

Looking at a couple of pre-amps with few formal reviews but good word of mouth praise.

The options are the Erhard Aretha and the Decware Triode.

Anyone have a chance to hear either?  Would be interested in your thoughts.

Must say, its ironic that this is how we shop for audio these days....... what ever happened to Tech HiFi , Tweeters and Bryn Mawr Stereo.


Showing 1 response by phillip08

I won't be much help with comparisons as I have both the Decware amp and preamp and love them both. The thing that might help you decide is that the current wait time for Decware amps is between 30 and 36 months. If you have read that the wait is 12 to 18 months, that report was from a year ago. Last year, I waited 18 months for my orders. If you wanted to buy something in the near term, you would need to look elsewhere.  

Have you looked at Space-Tech Laboratory in Canada?