Equipment setup

I have a reasonably sized listening room (8 1/2 feet by 12) but my stereo is in a nook by the windows which is 5 feet wide. I have Elac FS-247 speakers powered by Mcintosh MC501 monoblocks. The monoblocks are currently on the floor in front of the speakers. The problem I am trying to solve is that the speakers do not fill up the room like they did at the dealers. I feel this may have to do with my set up. I tried pulling the speakers out and pushing the monoblocks into the nook but this made it sound worse. The speakers are about 1 foot from the windows behind them, 6 inches from a side wall and 6 inches from the equipment rack which holds my turntable, cd player and preamp. Any suggestions as to what I can do?
Thanks in advance,

Showing 3 responses by ssayeed

Thanks for the responses. I am actually working on amp stands right now, so let's see if that makes a difference. As for cables, I am using the Cable Research Labs bronze series. They're inexpensive and the only other cable that I prefer to these is the Cardas Golden Reference, which is currently out of my price range.
Does anyone have a suggestion for acoustical room treatment? Where should I look?
I should say that out of cables that I have heard, which include the Nordost Heimdall, the most basic XLOs, Cardas Crosslink, LFDSilver Horizon, and Kimber8 TC, the CRL cables have sounded the best on my system in terms of the price. The Golden Reference and the Heimdal's sounded really good, but they are out of my price range.
I set up the system in a different room, which is about 8x16 but it is not enclosed and opens up into two other rooms, so there is a lot of space surrounding the room and it really has made a big difference. The space between the couch and the speakers is around 10 feet and then there is an additional 10 feet behind the couch. Also, there is another room to the right of the system which is 8x16 as well, but the rooms are separated by an arch. The bass is no longer an issue and I'm getting a lot of clarity. I can really turn up the volume now. Only problem is that the neighbors are starting to complain. Will have to look into soundproofing. Thanks for the advice everyone.