Equipment Rack

Does it make sense to spend several thousands of dollars on a equipment rack, if Stillpoints are used under every component?

Showing 7 responses by mains

YOUTUBE  Townshend audio How to isolate speakers from ground borne vibration: Seismic Isolation Podium for speakers have a look please you search is over regards john my email , 07769675378 thank you please feel free to contact me for Townshend audio products 40% discount at least plus postage.
as for the townshend podiums they do not just isolate the speakers from ground born vibrations , they allow the speakers to float so theres is no room interaction between the speakers and anything else ,a speaker being played without the use of a podium will vibrate threw the floorboards and  walls basically everywhere so the vibrations will also enter the electronics and the other speakers in a 2 channel stereo system or enter all 5 speakers if using a home cinema system , i have experienced many different loudspeakers being placed on podiums and the results are always spectacular , it makes you realize that this level of isolation to your loudspeakers is so important, when isolating your hifi system the most important place to start is the loudspeakers , once they are completely isolated  the rest of the system is then not affected by ground born vibration which has always been a major issue , with you speakers successfully isolated on the seismic podiums you can then look at isolating the rest of your hifi from suspected vibrations generated by the components there selves , townshend audio seismic platforms or seismic pods are a great place to start , they are very effective with all types of equipment and will handle any weight from cd players to huge amplifiers the platforms come in various sizes so you just need the size of your equipment and the weight ,its the same process for your loudspeakers your require the footprint and weight of each speaker then you can choose the right size pair of podiums for your situation, i know there are lots of isolation ideas and products on the market , the townshend audio seismic isolation products are the result of 50 years of R&D and are backed up by engineering facts no snake oil or magic dust i have heard all the seismic products in various hifi situations and the results are always spectacular the biggest bang for the buck is the podiums for your speakers after hearing the difference from just the podiums and no more floor bourne vibration entering your speakers or electronics you will already be very happy with the results already but for piece of mind you could still isolate your electronics to completely finish the job using the best products on the market with measurements and 50 years of R&D behind them there is not any other company i know of that can offer these facts and that have been around as long as max townshend the seismic podiums are maybe the biggest break threw ever in the reproduction of recorded music they really are that good and not a speaker spike in site check them out you will then know exactly why im so convinced and so full of praise for them please google Townshend audio in the uk and take a look at there award winning products regards john 
im sorry i am very new to these forums i was replying to you after you mentioned the Townshend audio you tube video , i thought you got the wrong end of the stick about the podiums im very sorry nothing i wrote was meant to offend , this thread i believe was regarding using stillpoints with or without a expensive rack, i personally do not like the changes stillpoints make to the electronics i have never tried them under loudspeakers, even stillpoints recommend isolating your speakers first once you have reduced or eliminated any vibrations from your speakers if you have the budget you could buy a nice rack , and yes you can then change the sound with the stillpoints as long as you have the room between the shelves. its a very expensive approach. i did this i used podiums for my speakers that completely eliminated floor vibrations i then used a seismic rack with adjustable shelves and then used the stillpoints SS and ultra 5 under my equipment , i didnt like the sound with the stillpoints so i sold the lot and the money i got paid for the podiums and the rack so i ended up with a much better sound than i started with and no stillpoints 
i do not believe spending several thousand pounds on a rack is needed unless its made out of gold and diamonds, concentrate on speaker isolation have a good listen to your system with your speakers completely isolated from the room then decide if further isolation is required if you already have a rack cheap or expensive it doesnt matter try placing clearlight audio RDC cones underneath your equipment to see if you enjoy any further changes to the sound , for the money they are very good they seem to concentrate on improving the sound without any flavour or discolorations of there own.i would try your stillpoints under your loudspeakers talk to stillpoints for there exact recommendations but i seriously recommend you contact your local townshend audio dealer and arrange a demonstration of the seismic podiums everytime i have witnessed such a demo the sound becomes absolutely incredible it questions the need to isolate any further , if you like the podiums which i know you will you could buy the townshend  rack its  2500 dollars or so and has built in isolation pods at the bottom stopping any vibrations entering the rack. you can still further isolate with the seismic pods under your equipment in sets of 3 or 4 that would be the ultimate the complete job down, after going this route i found that the stillpoints really colour the sound the mini was ok a little forward the ss very full on and not natural sounding which was not what i wanted to achieve the ultra 5s cost an absolute fortune just had a price increase in the uk 670gbp each i believe i needed 8 to isolate my speakers and im not convinced or had any proof that they actually work like i said i sold all mine and have never looked back im getting magnificent sound now with the townshend products i hope my story helps good luck   
hi geoff thanks for the update the seismic sink back then was a little out of my league price wise, i have only started shouting about the townshend seismic podiums because of what they did in my system and other uk audiphiles systems i have heard, theres talk in the uk that PMC loudspeakers will be building the platforms into there loudspeakers also rumours regarding B&W being very impressed when hearing the podiums being demonstrated , i think its great when a product really makes an enormous difference in sound quality everytime it is demonstrated i have heard nothing negative except maybe prices but when you hear the difference in your own system it seems quite a bargain also i have mentioned the best place to buy townshend audio products from so the price becomes much more affordable Emporium hifi have been around 25 years and still going very strong regards john
hi geoffkait 
heres what im referring to 

geoffkait5,196 posts09-17-2016 11:11ammains
3 posts
09-17-2016 5:12am
YOUTUBE Townshend audio How to isolate speakers from ground borne vibrations.

while it is probably true that the Townshend isolation devices prevent structural ground borne vibrations from getting up into the speakers wouldn’t the more important function of the Townshend iso devices be to prevent the speaker vibrations from getting down to the floor thus possibly producing what we generally refer to as acoustic breakthrough? Besides the speakers are going to be vibrating whilst playing anyway, so there’s not much the Townshend iso devices can do to alleviate that speaker vibration and it’s affect on the internal crossover, speaker input connectors, wiring, etc. inside the speakers, no?

Excerpt from Townshend website:

"Seismic Isolation Podium

Designed as a range to accommodate any size and weight of speaker – standmount plus stand, floorstander or subwoofer – the Seismic Podium breaks the acoustic connection between the floor and the speaker, preventing the passage of deleterious vibrations both to and from the speaker cabinets. For a detailed explanation of why this is an absolute necessity before any speaker can perform to its true potential, read ‘Earthquakes on hi-fi’."

when im listening to music no energy from the speakers vibrates threw the floor, using podiums your speakers are completely isolated measured down to 4hz so i would confidently say acoustic breakthrough has been achieved down to a measured 4hz regards john

if anyone wants to buy townshend audio seismic isolation products please contact Emporium hifi website or by phone on 01508518542 they are from the uk and the townshend audio prices are by far the cheapest anywhere , you can order any new product you require at discounted prices and shipping to anywhere in the usa or europe is not a problem