Equi=Tech 1.5Q, ExactPower 2000, Balanced Pwr Tech

Has anyone tried the Equi=Tech 1.5q, Exact Power 2000 or Balanced Power Tech products? What do you think? Any problems with amplifier hum?


Showing 1 response by satfrat

Hi Nathanu, I`ll throw in my 2 cents just to balance out the choices here. I have the BPT BP2.5 Ultra for my whole hometheater system and am totally impressed with it`s performance. I live in the country so my power doesn`t flucuated much but it`s just as dirty. This was never noticable til I hooked up the conditioner. I have 3 light dimmers in my theater room and they have no affect on the BPT. Nothing does. I have a dead silent ground noise thruout my 6.1 system. IMHO, unless you have a flucuating power voltage problem that`s prevelent in big city power grids, I would recommend the BPT conditioner and save yourself some money. Enjoy, Robin