Equalizer in a Hi Fi system

Just curious to hear everyone’s opinions on using an equalizer in a high end hi fi system. Was at work tonight and killing time and came across a Schitt Loki max $1500 Equalizer with some very good reviews. What are some of the pros / Benefits and cons in using one. Just curious. BTW. I’m talking about a top of the line. Hi end equalizer. Mostly to calm some high frequencies and some bad recordings. 

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Showing 2 responses by minorl

I was/am interested in the McIntosh MQ112 equalizer.  I saw the Skifiaudio video on this unit and one thing that struck me was internally, the unit incorporates op-amps.

I was looking for a fully discrete unit without op-amps.  

I'm not sure about incorporating op-amps into my system.  According to the video interview, the unit was really intended for McIntosh owners that have older systems without equalizers or tone controls.

I'm still thinking about this one.


Okay, that's a pretty darn good system.  

Thank you for the recommendation.  I was concerned with adding op-amps to the signal path, but hmmmmm, might be worth a try.  

Thanks much
