Epos els 3 vs Triangle Titus $300 range new/used..

Helping my friend complete his first "real" system for a small room...was steering him towards Epos and Triangle...any others that come to mind?

Showing 1 response by vaystrem

Just wanted to comment on the Epos. I myself own Quad 21Ls and had the chance to listen to the entire Quad line - all of which are wonderful. Recently I had the pleasure of hearing the Epos.

Will I be considered a heretic for agreeing with the Stereophile review? (lol) Wonderful little speakers I found them to be incredibly musical and a joy to listen too. The Quad 11Ls would be given a serious run for the money against these - but I find that the Quads (which allow for bi-wiring - sound more detailed and transparent) are the better speaker but you require really good upstream components or your going to have trouble (For example the cheap DVD player I'm using to play CDs is causing some problems right now)

The Epos came across as a 'forgiving' and non-fatiguing speaker which I enjoyed. The system was Epos with 47Labs Cloned Speakerwire/interconnect - Creek Integrated Amplifier and an AMC8b CD player - and it just made music. Bass was much greater than I expected from a speaker that size but I would recommend it without hesitation.

The Quad 11L used in that price point would be worth listening too as well - but like I said - rest of the components need to be of a better quality than the Epos would require.

- Nathan