Epos els 3 vs Triangle Titus $300 range new/used..

Helping my friend complete his first "real" system for a small room...was steering him towards Epos and Triangle...any others that come to mind?

Showing 1 response by reubent

I've never heard the Epos, so I can't comment on them, although I would be comfortable recommending them on reputation alone at the sub-$300 range NIB.

I have owned the original Triangle Titus and I thought it was a great speaker. IT worked well with several amps that I owned at that time, however, I could understand some people feeling that they are "bright" sounding.

I currently own a Cayin TA-30 Integrated Tube amp and I'll bet it would be a great match with the Titus. The Cayin TA-30 is $600 NIB and is worth every penny.

Also, for a starter system, I just bought a cheap digital source to use on an interim basis until I sort out my new home/listening room. I bought the TAS recommended JVC VX-SA602SL DVD/DVD-A/CD player and it is excellent at the $125 used price I paid. Highly recommended for those that think anything more than $200 is a lot for a CD player. Personally, I think it sounds better than the Sony DVP-9000ES, Technics DVD-A10 and Denon DVD-2800 that I previously owned. IMHO, it is good enough for most moderately priced systems and is better than lots of more expensive players that I've heard. No, it is not as good as the Theta Miles, Cary CD-308 or Resolution Audio Opus 21 that I also previously owned, but it is well under 1/10 the price of some of those.


