Entry level tube amps?

I'm thinking about experimenting with tube amps. The goal is simple. I would like my system to sound more reed in the sax and resin in the bow of cello. For the time being I would like the cost to be under $2000, preferably under $1000. If I like what I hear I might go full out with tube amps. If I don't feel there is enough improvement then I'll just stay with solid state design. So this is an important moment for me.

Showing 1 response by sufentanil

Different tube amps sound different, so I'd hesitate to have you make a decision about how a tube amp sounds based on one particular budget amp. That said, I'll give you some of my thoughts.

1) For a low-budget amp, I love my Jolida 302b integrated. It has a warm, relaxed sound that glosses over only the smallest details.

2) If you're looking for just an amp (as opposed to an integrated), a Cary V12 would be a solid choice to drive your Electra's.

3) If you want something even more on the warm side, try one of the rebuilt Dynaco ST-70's.

4) For just a hint of warmth, I used to own a pair of Audio Valve ppp45 monoblocks that I miss. They're rare on the used market, but available in your price range when they do come up.

I hope that gets you started.
