Entry level tube amp to try

Sometime this spring I'll be upgrading, and I would like to hear what the "tube" sound is like. I currently have a rotel rb1080/krell krc-3 pre combo which I'm somewhat happy with, but I would like a fuller sound with more body.
I was thinking of getting an anthem amp-1 to try,just to get a feeling of what tubes sound like,but would like some input if this would give me a fair idea of the different type sound you get from tubes. Then when I upgrade, I'll no whether I might want to go tube or s.s.
I don't want to go demo anything at a retail store,because I'll probably buy here. thanks for any help
Put your money toward the Unico from Unison Research. 80 wpc integrated amp with a tube front end and MOSFET outputs. The sound is phenomenal for the money and the retail price is under 1300.00 (though soon to go up after all the great reviews). I have Mullard tube upgrades in it and I'm driving a pair of Merlin VSM-Ms - the sound is superb.
Good Buddy, Do Your Research,and verify your particular Needs, because I have a Copland CTA 504,just Resting in storage, It Basically a CTA 505 with less Power, if this is Your Cup of Tea, Contact me and it can find a New Home. It was my Second Tube Amp, and I've since Moved On! But must always have my Opinions!!!

there is a set of Yakov Aronov mono,s for sale,and some c-j 11a's, If I were try one of these, would it be fair to them to mix with my s.s. krell pre?
I might as well join the fun and start buying and selling things to try. But if it is the speakers I should switch first I'm doomed, because it seems like that would be a big hassle, and something best done via local sales.
Either way, I've got the bug to do something now, before golf season arrives.
The Aronov mono amps should maximize the bass extension and full range articulate quality of your speakers. These amps are free of any listener fatigue, sounding very strong and dynamic coupled with natural midrange and treble. I don't know of any reason not to start with your present pre-amp, but the Aronov pre-amp will later on demonstrate the full Aronov potential. Unlikely that you would be restless to replace the Aronov line up. The quality of your speaker experience will be upgraded using such fine amplification. You now have have picked very high end amps, a far cry from your humble aspirations when you initiated this thread.