Entry level tube amp to try

Sometime this spring I'll be upgrading, and I would like to hear what the "tube" sound is like. I currently have a rotel rb1080/krell krc-3 pre combo which I'm somewhat happy with, but I would like a fuller sound with more body.
I was thinking of getting an anthem amp-1 to try,just to get a feeling of what tubes sound like,but would like some input if this would give me a fair idea of the different type sound you get from tubes. Then when I upgrade, I'll no whether I might want to go tube or s.s.
I don't want to go demo anything at a retail store,because I'll probably buy here. thanks for any help

Showing 3 responses by listener57

The Aronov integrated at about $1600 used on Audiogon is not only a taste of tube quality, but at 60 wpc easily drives most speakers in moderate size rooms beautifully without feeling need to upgrade further. The bass control is more like that of good solid state amp together with a natural, musical quality to the midrange and treble. What type of music and speakers do you intend to audition with your tube amp? Since tube amps do not all sound alike it is not so easy to extrapolate from the fine trial stage Anthem to your eventual tube "upgrade."
The Aronov mono amps should maximize the bass extension and full range articulate quality of your speakers. These amps are free of any listener fatigue, sounding very strong and dynamic coupled with natural midrange and treble. I don't know of any reason not to start with your present pre-amp, but the Aronov pre-amp will later on demonstrate the full Aronov potential. Unlikely that you would be restless to replace the Aronov line up. The quality of your speaker experience will be upgraded using such fine amplification. You now have have picked very high end amps, a far cry from your humble aspirations when you initiated this thread.
If you want to continue your quest by reading other people's opinions you now have accumulated three "votes" for the Aronov amps. You might want to talk to two dealers who have sold, and used themselves, Aronov. Jim Kean of Audio Essence in Georgia sold me my Aronov integrated years ago, and the owner of A Sanctuary of Sound ( or something close to this name) sang the praises of Aronov sometime last year. Both can ease your mind that you are not being too hasty to decide on Aronov. Aronov sells by word of mouth as current owners usually find that this small company has calmed their audiophile restlessness.