Energy ESM-2 Anyone else remember them?

I still am using these old school speakers. Bought them in 1987? demo.
I needed new foam surrounds for the woofers in my ESM-2s and just bought a pair on U.S. ebay, cheap.

In case anyone else has the same problem, just search for "8" Speaker Repair". I bought the only cheap set, $12.00US shipped, but the seller seems to list them all the time.

Great speakers!
Foam surrounds from ebay were easy to install. Not an exact fit, but close enough. I didn't realize how bad the sound had been, until I replaced the surrounds. They sound great now.

For those of you interested in entire woofer replacements, I contaced Energy Parts U.S. and received the following info:

"Original drivers are no longer available. Replacements we can offer are p/n 4DR//51745 which is the 8" woofer used in the ESM2MKII. Your cost is $50.23 each plus $10.00 s&h. Contact Kim (716 896-9801) for purchase options.
Dan Wergen
USA National Service Mgr.
Ph.# 716 896-9801"
I have a pair of ESM-2's - looking to sell them due to space and recently replaced them with some Rogers LS2's (about 1/3rd their size - the Energy's sound really good and have held up well. The Rogers sound a lot like them or vise versa - mids on the Rogers are a tad bit more refined, but the low end on the Energy is certainly better due to their size. I was always happy with them.
Sorry to bump an ancient thread but I'm sooo impressed with how well my set of ESM-3 performs. I use them as studio monitors as well as for general listening. They are much more forgiving than my Neumann monitors, but still accurate enough to work with in my opinion.  And not very expensive but it seems that there aren't many for sale online anymore. I tried to sell mine when I got a set of Stratus Gold I recently. Found room for both in the end, and fortunately, no one swooped them on me. Would have been a shame to let these go.