Energy, Environment & High End Audio

How to get a great sounding amp without using a ton of energy? It seems I keep running into high energy guzzling amps when I pursue the sound I want. I'm currently running ProAc 2.5's with a Pass Aleph 3. Sounds pretty good, but actually a little bit forward (perhaps the speakers need more breaking in). Anyhow, I'm wanting to go for a slightly less harsh, more fluid sound, and am thinking of getting a tube amp to go with my Rogue 66 preamp. I'm thinking BAT, AR, Cary - around the $2K used level. My problem is that some of these amps run on near 1 kW - about the same a an electric hair dryer or space heater. I'm having problems justifying the power use, except in the winter when we need to heat the house (I live in Arizona). Questions:

1) Can anyone recommend good tube amps with the setup I describe above?

2) Overall, how do you deal with the power use question? Is there a point at which it becomes irresponsible to use so much juice for this passion?

Thanks. Peter S

Showing 1 response by garfish

I have a 300 wpc solid state amp that drops to about 130 wpc in standby, and I don't feel at all guilty about using the power I do for listening to music. My wife and I do not own gas guzzling vehicles such as SUVs or RVs, and for that matter we don't indulge in other high energy use hobbies either.

But to avoid having to "flog" yourself, there are some 5 to 10 wpc SET amps that you could use-- of course you would need more sensitive speakers, but that should be a small price to pay for peace of mind. Cheers. Craig