EMT JSD 5 or JSD 6?

I've read great reviews and am considering the EMT JSD 5 and JSD 6 to replace a Lyra Kleos that I bought on Audiogon that arrived with a mechanical problem. Does anyone have either the JSD 5 or 6 or has anyone heard both and can tell me what sonic differences they observed? Basically, the 5 has a Geyger S stylus while the 6 is a Super Fine Line, so I'm wondering the advantages/disadvantages of each. I'm also considering the Miyajima Kansui, but am a bit concerned about the low .23mv output requiring a SUT.

Showing 5 responses by ninetynine

I had a Kleos an now a JSD6. Dr. Feickert told me to choose the JSD6 and not the 5 and i am so happy with this cartridge. It is darker in the high`s but plays every vinyl without beeing intrusive. The stage is not so wide as with the Lyra but the EMT for me is a much better allrounder. Until today i had no single vinyl which was a problem for the JSD. No problems with loud female sibilants, which brought the sweat to my brow with the Kleos.

On 5-10% of my vinyls the Kleos was better than the EMT, but i want to hear all of them.
Yes absolute correct!
2 Weeks ago i tested a VdH on the tonearm where the EMT runs. (Reed 3P) It is a little bit more on the bright side but it sounds rough and grainy compared to the EMT. I think this has to do with the sharp diamond.

EMT tells me, if you have more new vinyl`s go for the JSD5. If you have more older, the JSD6.
Hi Fjn04,

i have a Dr. Feickert Blackbird with the silver JSD-6.
Maybe i make some pictures tonight.
Nandric, do you know where the Gyger and Super Fineline cantiliver-diamond is manufactured?