Empirical Audio Synchro mesh reclocker, anybody?

Anybody actually own or has owned one of these units by Empirical Audio?
Sounds good and $699 not a huge outlay in today's world but would prefer some real world experience if anybody has tried it.
Thank you.

Showing 4 responses by canibefrank

wow, a reclocker shouldn\t make the sound worse... maybe not have any effect...
i have the wyred4sound USB reclocker. I bought it and hooked it up to my JBL LSR 305's MKl right from the start. I feel the sound is very good for such a budget system but I cannot comment on the sound with the W4S reclocker vs. sound without.... MacBook Pro > Presonus USB DAC > XLR to now AirPulse Model 1 with ribbon tweets. I feel the DAC is the weakest link. I had a pretty noticeable phase-timing issue with the JBL LSR 305 subwoofer which could not be remedied with settings or placement, so I added Audirvana and that fixed the timing issues an boosted SQ. Next up will probably be the TEAC NT-505 streaming DAC.. I hope to get a deeper and more 3D soundstage going on.. detail is fine, dynamics all good, just looking for "more"
the ps audio does its magic within the fpga negates the need for re-clocking
actually dissasembles the stream and reconstitutes it
like juice
if you are running a regular ole chip give a re-clock a try
i forgot to add my agreement... as we move forward to better equipment the re-clocker and de-crapifier upstream appliances will not be needed.