Emperical Audio Mods for Parasound Halo JC-1'S

Has anyone had their Parasound Halo JC-1 monoblocks modified with the $1,800.00 Emperical Audio mods, or heard ones that have been modified by them?
If so, how did they sound, and what all improvements were there over the stock factory JC-1's?
Was it a big improvement, or a so so improvement with the mods in place?
In your honest opinion, are the sonic improvements worth the $1,800.00 asking price for the mods?
All information and opinions would be greatly appreciated.

Showing 1 response by rcrump

You want state of the art for $6K? That isn't possible, but it is possible to build a very good machine made amplifier for that sort of price. I went to the site and it says not one black gate cap was used! Horrors! I don't really care for them preferring the big Nichicon Gold Tune and KZ series instead.....Why don't you be the first to have the mods done and void your warranty and then save about 20K and we'll build you a nice hand-built amp next time? I think what Steve is doing is commendable, but don't pretend that the JC-1 is state of the art as it isn't, merely a very capable rendition of what can be done by machine these days. Funny thing is the JC-1 turned out better than most state of the art amps just plain stock so there isn't much work to do to really make it sing. Curl is ahead of most of the others out there.........I read about the change in topology and figure Steve must have burned some midnight oil as the schematics are not available to the public for the unit and it takes a long time to trace down Carl Thompson's layouts especially with an opaque black solder mask.......The unit sounds as it sounds and I voiced it just slightly sweet, a change from the typical Parasound sound......