Emotiva XPA-1 or Wyred SX/ST-1000


Currently have a Rotel RB-1090 which I like but it is acting up. Every now and then static comes through both speakers. It must have something to do with the power section and not the amp section.

Anyway I am looking at the 2 above amps or any other suggestions in that price range (new). They seem to have good price to performance. Both seem to be rated around the same wpc. Thought about tube amp but to many tube components may be to slow or layed back for my liking

The preamp is a BAT-3I and the speakers are JBL L-300. I mostly listen to vinyl VPI Scoutmaster through BAT VK-P10 cart is a Benz ACE LO.

Any info is appreciated.

Showing 2 responses by paimei

Well, now we have a couple comparisons of Wyred versus Emotiva. I would like to hear why these users preferred one over the other. A break down of their personalities please.
You better check the rest of your equipment. I had an NAD218 that had static in the left channel. Got tired of dealing with it. Sold it and bought another amp. Static remained. Turned out the be the left channel of the Denon CD player that it was hooked to. Now I miss the NAD.

I have also been asking the Emotiva question. So far my research has led me to believe the Emotiva gear is good but not as competitive with higher end gear as the Wyred. I am on the verge of trying one of the Wyred 500 watt multi channel uniits.

BTW. The Emotiva put the pos and neg speaker terminals 13 inches apart. A lot of people have complained about their high end cables not being able to bridge the gap.

Good luck.