Emotiva UMC-200 vs Primare SP31?

I wonder if anyone compared the two on sound quality alone? I have the opportunity to buy both on similar price but don't know if I should go back in time to get the SP31? Thanks.

Showing 1 response by labtec

I have a UMC200 for my second HT setup. It's not exactly the most feature rich and input/output friendly processor, but if SQ is your primary concern...it's actually quite good.

Most processors have tons of features and inputs/outputs that never get used, so it's nice that they created a product that saves you money and eliminates many of these things. Just make sure it has everything you will need.

What I like is that they focused on SQ and the Emotiva room correction included in the processor works pretty darn good. It will make this processor sound better than almost any other processor without room correction. It will likely outperform most 10 year old processors too.

The one caveat I have with the UMC200 is that it's firmware is a little quirky. I did have some problems with it out of the box, but customer service was good. However, in your case of comparing it to a used piece, the emotiva is at least giving you a warranty and customer support.

FWIW, I use an Anthem processor in my main setup and I would recommend them for great SQ in a processor, but they won't be anywhere near the price point of Emotiva.

Good luck