
I am asking for opinions and some education on this brand. I have noticed a goodly number of items from this brand on A-gon lately. But, I must confess...I know very little about them. The pieces look very nice in the photos, the owner/sellers extol their virtues and the Emotiva website looks pretty spiffy...anyone out their have thoughts, opinions or experiences they would care to relay?

The reason behind my inquiry is the equipment appears to inordinately inexpensive vs. their appearance & audio-quality claims. If you own some Emotiva, please tell me about it - good & bad. I am tempted to give the brand a try.

Thanks in advance!
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xoldmandave

Showing 1 response by jedinite24

Hi Oldmandave

I have an Emotiva UPA-7 amp paired with an Outlaw 990 HT Processor/Preamp. To me this is a really good combination that I'm very happy with. I had a Sony receiver/processor that was just a level below their ES line and I had a good improvement in sound even with the Emotiva UPA-7 hooked up to it before I got the Outlaw 990 Pre/Pro.

Emotiva has their niche and I believe it to be in the HT amplification area. The do have great customer service and the build quality on their stuff is solid. To me they were a like a gateway drug into this audio addiction I never new existed. For the price some of their stuff is hard to beat.

I'd also look at their ERC-1 CD player. Some say it can be a little bright in terms of sound but at it's price point it is very hard to beat. It is a quality piece all around.