Emo dumps Carver, the Carver site is down.


Showing 4 responses by vicdamone

Conjecture, speculation, no relevant current information, topped with unsubstantiated personal speculation is senseless but have fun.

As customers all we know is the Bob Carver LLC web site announced the sale to Emotiva with little to no information regarding future support of warranted products already sold, any terms of the sale of the company, its assets, intellectual property, or design.

Emotiva announced the purchase and would move production from Kentucky to their Tennessee location. Emotiva would market Carver tube products under their professional line of products. A personal correspondence on 10/08/2013 Emotiva agreed to replace a bad tube if I would submit a product serial number. On 10/16/2013 Laufner made the statement below on his Emotiva Lounge forum. (If anybody has any other facts or quotes please post.)

My two Phase Linear amps endured nine years of extremely hard road use and were sold in working order. Bob Carvers other endeavors and life issues had no bearing on my recent purchase. The tube product is well built and sounds wonderful, I have no regrets. I do have concerns regarding future support.

[[["Hey all,

To clear everything up regarding Emotiva, Bob Carver, and tube amps in
general, here's an update.

First, yes, our professional relationship with Bob Carver is at an end. I
was excited to have had the opportunity to have worked with him.

Second, we're absolutely committed to making tube amps (and other
products) under the Emotiva name, and they're coming to our website in
short order. You'll see them listed under a separate series, like we've
done with the Pro products.

Finally, thank you for bearing with us in this transitional time. We
simply need to work through some details before you see tube amps for
sale on emotiva.com, and we maintain our greatest respect for Bob Carver
and his work, as well as our commitment to providing exciting tube amps
with exceptional value and performance under the Emotiva name.

All the best,
Big Dan"]]]
Thuan, are you having a problem with your 180s? We're both in the same boat. Aside from their presentation one of the reasons I purchased these amps is their relatively simple construction. I didn't anticipate these circumstances but in the event of a repair I feel confident I can find someone to service them.

The loss of the attractive warrantee sucks. I think Marty paints a picture of what may be in front of Carver customers. There may be so few of us that both Carver and fat Dan could simply walk away with no relevant responsibility.

There might be a chance that one could bring the dealer into small claims.
Jay, thanks for checking into the warranty issue. Frankly, I'd be surprised if emo even had a soldering station let alone the chops to trouble shoot a problem.