Emmylou Harris, "Red Dirt Girl"

Category: Music

When I first heard this CD,(released in 2000), on my "big rig" it sounded very good but I liked rather than loved it. Recently, I was restricted to headphones (Sennheiser 600s into SF Line 2 preamp), and when I listened to this CD it suddenly seemed much more dynamic and detailed. IMO this is a great CD, and after picking up the detail from the headphones, it now sounds much better in with my Vand. 3As, but still somewhat more congested compared to the Senn. 600s-- I think it's a room/acoustics thing along with the distinctly "processed" sound of this CD. Any comments on this one? Cheers. Craig.
Garfish Spyboy is on my favorite disc list and is always kept "handy" I don't own Wrecking ball would you guys rate it vs Spyboy if possible.
Hi Sol322, I would put "Spysoy" #1, "Red Dirt Girl" #2 and "Wrecking Ball" #3. My problem is I owened Spyboy prior to Wrecking ball and I like the Spyboy versions better. So my opinion might not be the best to use. Of course I had no problem sharing it though! J.D.
I agree 100% with Jadem6. The Spyboy versions seem to have more punch and life to them. There are a few quality songs on Wrecking Ball not on Spyboy (Title Cut, her version of Steve Earle's "Goodbye", among others), but I'd give the rankings the same way Jadem6 did.
Sol322, JD; I own and like them all a lot. I'd probably rate them #1 "Red Dirt Girl", #2 "Wrecking Ball", and #3 Spyboy. But I havn't listened to Spyboy for awhile. But really they're all excellent for this type of music. As noted in the C/W thread, my all time favorite of Emmylou's is "Cowgirl's Prayer"-- a more traditional recording. Craig.
Garfish, do you have her Live at the Ryman CD with the Nash Ramblers? It's more country/bluegrass than Spyboy, Wrecking Ball, etc., but she still nods to the alternative country scene with some Steve Earle and Springsteen covers on it. Lots of Bill Monroe influences. It used to be my favorite of hers (until Spyboy). The Nash Ramblers do an incredible job on vocal harmonies on that CD. The recording is quality as well.