Emma Watson- audiophile?

Last night Emma Watson told Jimmy Fallen that the director of her latest film gave her an album on vinyl, and she has been collecting ever since. The world's cutest child star grows into the world's cutest movie star, and now she's into analog! (She is only rivaled of course, by Natalie Portman, but this might give her the edge, sorry A.P.)
The young star of the biggest movie franchise in history promotes vinyl, now that's something!

Showing 1 response by johnnyb53

09-16-12: Ghosthouse
I expect this will be unpopular, but why should I care that Emma Watson collects vinyl? It does not elevate my enjoyment but rather probably only elevates prices.

More likely to lower prices and increase availability of new vinyl. It's economy of scale. When celebrities come out in favor of vinyl, it is no longer a marginal (i.e., perceived as wacky) practice. Thanks to the increased enthusiasm for vinyl and increased production runs, prices of some vinyl titles are coming down. Examples include Diana Krall and Rod Stewart. Instead $35-40, Krall's "Quiet Nights" and Stewart's "Fly Me to the Moon" came out at a list price of $20-25, and the Stewart is a 2-LP set.

It affects reissues too. I got new 180g pressings of Hendrix's "Axis: Bold as Love" and The Band's self-titled and "Songs from Big Pink" for about $18 each.