Emm Labs DAC6e-is it that good?

Looking to upgrade my system by adding a DAC. The question is will I be just spending $s without benefit? My current system consits of Bryston 7B-SST amps, B&W 802Ds, Arcam 27A dvd/cd player, Mcintosh MS300 server and Mcintosh MX135 pre/pro. While I do watch a lot of movies, I do a lot more two channel music. I have read many threads and reviews about the Emm Labs DAC6e but I wanted to know if any of you good folks could give me your thoughts before I make a major purchase of the Emm Labs DAC6e.

Showing 1 response by kgturner


the emm dac6e has what appears to be 3 aes/ebu inputs for pcm which can be connected to any transport with appropriate cabling or adapters. granted, with the emm transport you won't get the full benefit of passing dsd, but it's a good starting point for those whose pocketbooks can't afford the emm labs combo all at once.