EMM Labs DAC 6 Inputs

I have a question concerning the EMM Labs DAC 6. My understanding was that it had a BNC input connector enabling it to receive S/PDIF data. It does appear to have 2 BNC connectors, one for input and a second for output. However, these appear to be for sending a clock signal in or out of the unit and not for receiving a data stream from a transport which has only an S/PDIF connection. Am I missing something. EMM Labs owners please help!
All the best,
Ag insider logo xs@2xdgclark0007
Even though your request is months old, I assume you still need the input. There is one BNC out from the word clock and three PCM inputs (AES/EBU). In upsampled DSD mode, the three ATT glass (clock in/out and data in) are usd, and the PCM inputs are disabled. This info relates to the DAC6e SE.