Eminent Technology LFT-8b in Harry's system

I recently signed up for the V.P.I. Industries newsletter, and today received my first such. In it, Harry Weisfeld reviews a Grado phono cartridge, but this post concerns one of the speakers he listed as being those he uses to listen to music and evaluate recordings through. All but one are traditional dynamic cones/domes in a box designs, only one being a planar/dipole. That planar is the Eminent Technology LFT-8b. I'm pretty sure Harry could, if he so chose, have instead as his sole planar a pair of $6000 Magneplanar MG 3.7i's, or even $14,000 20.7's. But nope, he instead chose the $2500 ET LFT-8b, imo the greatest value in a loudspeaker on the market. I compared it to the 1.7i, and the difference was dramatic.

Showing 2 responses by aniwolfe

After 12 years in my system, its the only component I haven’t upgraded. No urge to get rid of them. I am constantly amazed by the LFT8b’s as they do so many things well. Such a seem-less zero distorted spacial sound. Just got done listening to the latest Radiohead album and what a great experience it was. Highly Recommended!

I power them with a Primaluna Dialogue Premium Integrated. They don’t need a lot of power in my experience.
You might also want to add the LFT8b’s sound much better than the 1.7 at lower listening levels as well.

You know I think Bruce is ok having a small company and being able to provide great customer service. He makes upgrades to his products if he feels its substantial enough.

I have to admit I am happy he doesn’t come up with a new version of the LFT every few years. That would drive me crazy and it would turn me off.

I like how he came out with the new tweeter years ago and all his customers had to do was just replace it by unscrewing it. No soldering involved...easy! That tweeter upgrade really made a huge difference.