Is there anybody reading here, who is experienced in modeling mechanical systems as equivalent electronical circuits?
I was not able yet to figure out the equiv. circuit for the (horizontal) 4th order system tonearm / decoupled counter weight myself. I think this could be very helpful in understanding and optimizing the setup.
The longer i-beam allows much lower resonance frequencies ie. potentially a wider tuning range.
Intuitively, tuning the counterweight res. +\- precisely to the spindle/arm/cartridge resonance and optimizing the damping should „drain“ the main resonant energy, as shown in certain plots of the decoupled Dual counterweights in the 70s.
I‘d like to see and play with these interactions in a quicker, less time-consuming medium than the actual tt setup (with measurements another PITA).
I was able to optimize the mechanical panel resonance of aMaggie MG 3 and MG 3.3 in a similar way, but kind of a hybrid mechanical/electrical filter. It worked :-)
your posts and experiences with audio are still appreciated. The removal of the post has nothing to do with paranoia, neither western or communist. It‘s only about keeping the spam cleaning task if the moderator low, by removing trigger words for bots.