Eminent Technology ET-2 Tonearm Owners

Where are you? What mods have you done ?

I have been using these ET2's for over 9 years now.
I am still figuring them out and learning from them. They can be modified in so many ways. Bruce Thigpen laid down the GENIUS behind this tonearm over 20 years ago. Some of you have owned them for over 20 years !

Tell us your secrets.

New owners – what questions do you have ?

We may even be able to coax Bruce to post here. :^)

There are so many modifications that can be done.

Dressing of the wire with this arm is critical to get optimum sonics along with proper counterweight setup.

Let me start it off.

Please tell us what you have found to be the best wire for the ET-2 tonearm ? One that is pliable/doesn’t crink or curl. Whats the best way of dressing it so it doesn’t impact the arm. Through the spindle - Over the manifold - Below manifold ? What have you come up with ?

Showing 4 responses by forrestc

Well, after years of procrastination, mounted on three turntables and four spent phono cartridges later. I finally said I’m going to do it. Yes, I decided that it was way past due to clean the gunk out of my ET-2’s manifold. After all, I’ve been running it on an old 30 gal belt-drive shop compressor that sits out in our unconditioned garage through at least 15 hot and muggy Tallahassee spring/summer/fall seasons. For most of this ET-2’s life, I ran the air though whatever gasoline fuel filter I could find at Autozone that would fit on the 3/16" vinyl tubing. I did run a small water trap that never seemed to have any water trapped in it as well as three stages of regulation with the last stage attached to the turntable rack delivering 18 psi to my ET-2. I now run a large water trap and Motorguard filter close to the compressor. I did this after I forgot to drain the compressor this last July. Sheeeh! Lets just say it was a shocker to see water dripping out each end of the manifold/bearing junction! Fast forward to late this afternoon, when I made the executive decision to dissemble the manifold.

Long story short, after removing the manifold and expecting all kinds of crud and corrosion, to my surprise, it looked absolutely spotless inside the manifold housing as well as the inside and outside of the manifold itself. I went ahead and cleaned it with 92% IPA then used 100 psi compressed air through a rubber tipped air-chuck to blow out all 14 manifold air orifices insuring that they all passed air.

Anyway, I think that I got lucky on this one. Also, when you do decide to clean you ET-2’s manifold, be sure to completely follow the procedure shown in the ET-2 manual. Also, be sure to mark the manifold orientation and direction in manifold’s housing so you can reassemble exactly as it was originally. The manual says to use a magic-marker to make the marks, but using IPA to clean the manifold will wash your magic-marker/shapie marks away in a second. A pencil may work better - just be aware. Also, the manual says to use grease on the o-rings, just make sure that you just ever so lightly coat the o-rings with lube. I would think that you don’t want a wad of grease sitting between the manifold and and the manifold housing. Most of all, don’t ever use any tools whatsoever to remove the manifold from its housing. Just press hard, very hard, with you thumb - it will start to move. I bet the guys down on Palmer Street would agree as well.

I went down to Palmer street today to see the man himself. I was a bit confused about what upgrades would be best for my ET-2 running 18 psi with an 8.5 gram medium-compliance cartridge. I must say, what a great guy he is. As we stood in the ET-2 parts room, he said without hesitation the aluminum joint is a significant and cost effective upgrade. As I gazed into the two boxes containing ET-2 and ET-2.5 bearing spindles I asked what about upgrading to the 2.5 manifold and spindle? He replied that since I’m running 18 psi from a shop compressor I would not notice a difference, On the other hand, If I were using a low pressure pump, it would be a nice upgrade with noticeable improvements.

In the post above I stand corrected. In that post i stated ". . . all 14 manifold air orifices . . ." Bruce told me that there are no orifices, those are 14 screw-in plugs. I then ask how does the compressed air go from the manifold housing through the manifold in order to float the spindle bearing? His answer floored me and its difficult to describe without a diagram as Bruce scratched out on a piece of paper for me, but I will try. He said that an air bearing works best if a small column of air flows some distance from the manifold housing to the area between the inside of the manifold and the spindle bearing. With just an orifice, the distance would only be a couple of millimeters.  I ask how is that done when it appears that each threaded hole is totally plugged with a stainless-steel set screw? The way he does it is that he machines a small amount of material from the protruding edge of the threads in each hole in the manifold. That way a metered amount of air follows a spiral path around the threads between the threaded plug and threads in the manifold hole. The distance around the threads creates the distance needed to enhance the air flow into the area between the manifold and spindle bearing. Obviously it works!

I learned more in that 20 minutes with Bruce about the ET-2 than I learned on my own in the last 15 years of ET-2 ownership. There is so much more to the engineering of the ET-2 than I had ever imagined. I am now totally convinced, that the ET-2/2.5 is by far the most highly engineered and best linear-tracking tonearm ever developed. And that include those very expensive European offerings that gleam with gold plated cladding. If you have an ET-2/2.5 keep it - you have the best. Mine has been three turntables and my guess is that it will be on a fourth one day.  Turntables come and go but the ET-2 stays.

I have to go back to Palmer Street next week to pick up my aluminum wand joint since this batch were not yet out of production as of today. When I go back, I think I'll ask him about the TRW-17. 115db at1Hz! I would really like to hear (or feel) that!

Frogman, I sure that removing each of the set screws is the best way. In my case, as clean as everything looked and the fact that spindle operates smoothly, I felt that pushing high pressure air through each capillary would sufficient. If you listen closely you can hear the compressed air passes through each capillary and into the manifold.  I did have one capillary in which I could not hear the air flow.  With this capillary, I did remove the set screw and inspected the threads with bright light and magnification and saw no contaminates. I then passed compressed air through the capillary hole with the set screw removed. I then replaced the set screw and after that I could again hear compressed air passing through that capillary. 

I would venture to say that just by removing the set screw will dislodge most if not all debris lodged in the capillary threads, but I will run it by Bruce when see him again. 

I did tell him about how my nearly 30 year old ET-2 manifold had never been cleaned and about how I forgot to drain my shop compressor back in July literally pumping water into the manifold.  I then told him that when that when I removed the manifold after that event every thing appeared spotlessly clean.  He ask are you using a filter? Yes, I am. He said its fine and he wasn't at all surprised that is was as still totally clean.    BTW, Bruce no longer uses or supplies the Motorguard filters.  He now supplies and recommends the inexpensive and available at any auto supply, "VW Beatle" type fuel filter.  He says they work great.

Ketchup, that’s what Bruce was telling me when I let him know that I was running 18 psi. If you already have an ET-2 you may want to try upping the pressure before trying the 2.5. I don’t have a high pressure manifold and for that reason if I go much higher than 18 psi I start hearing a lot air escaping from the space between the manifold and spindle. I’m thinking this escaping air could apply some unwanted side force against the arm wand as it tracks towards the inner grooves of the record.

Anyway, I went back down to Palmer Street Friday afternoon to pick up the new aluminum wand joint, and of course, ask more questions. When I walked in the door, two of his guys were building what appeared to be LFT speaker panels on large tables in the the front room. Bruce appeared and showed me the newly made aluminum wand joint. It is truly a finely-crafted, beautifully finished piece. He went as far as to show me just how not-so-tight to to tighten the wand-joint clamp screw on an ET-2 spindle he had brought in - and it is NOT VERY TIGHT!. Tighten is just enough so wand joint does not move when you try to rotate it on the spindle end - AND NO MORE! If you tighten it too tight, the spindle will deform. He even had me tighten it on the same spindle while I was there to make sure that I fully understood. Also be sure to note the tiny index dot on the wand-cable socket in the spindle. That dot is at 3 o’clock. Be sure to take the time to align the wand joint correctly. It is much easier to see that it is correctly aligned once you reattach the wand. Once attached, you can sight across where the wand to see that it is exactly in alignment with the counterbalance I-beam.

Speaking of not over-tightening anything on the ET-2/2.5, I ask Bruce about setting the correct tension or screw tightness on the VTA block. He said basically, you tighten the four VTA block screws evenly just enough so the VTA block does not allow manifold to rock. The narrow gap on each side of the VTA block where it attaches to the manifold housing should be even from top to bottom and the same gap on both sides. Bruce also showed me a VTA block where someone tighten the screw that mounts the VTA block to the mounting post. It was not a pretty sight. A nice chunk of carbon fiber was missing out of side of the VTA block. Again, don’t let something like this happen to your ET-2/2.5. Parts fit so precisely that death-grip tightening of any screw is not required and may ruin your day.  Snug holding the short end of an allen wrench is good.

OK now, how did the aluminum wand joint upgrade sound? Well, I got my ET-2 back together and fully adjusted Friday night and . . .

I probably do the setup procedure a little different than most but it does seem to work well and after doing it a few times it not as daunting as it was in the past. First I set the spindle height and level close to where it need to be. It doesn’t have to be exact at first. Next I set the VTF, then I set the cartridge overhang with the clear scribe-line tool. Next, I remove the cartridge and install a Wally Reference tool. I bought it used. I then set the VTA lever to align with the "0" on the VTA gauge. After that, I loosen the height-adjustment screw and set the arm height so the Wally Reference is level with the platter. If you use this procedure, you will need to view the Wally Tools video to determine what shim(s) you will need to use which is dependent on the height of your cartridge. I also add and additional 2mm shim (average record thickness) and set the Wally reference directly on the platter. Once this is done, I level the spindle by using dial calipers to measure the distance between the arm board on my TNT and the spindle when extended in each direction. I then go back and check that the Wally reference is still flat on the platter. You will also use the Wally Reference to adjust the azimuth. When you adjust the azimuth, be careful that you only rotate the wand and not move in or out. If all looks good your are ready to reinstall the cartridge and double check your cartridge overhand using the scribe-line tool and VTF with your scale.

Also, Bruce said to set up your I-beam so the lead weights are near the end of the I beam, and to move them to low position in the slot as well. He showed me the extra long I-beam, and it is very long, but unfortunately I can't use it since I have a dust cover.

Now it time to play that first LP - big decision!  What to play?  OK, how about side one of an early pressing of Joe Walsh, The Smoker You Get . . ? Oh yes, I know this album well and I must say it just seemed to sound better than ever in a very noticeable way - more impact, clearer mid-range, solid bass. I could go on, but for what the aluminum joint cost, I don’t think you could make a better upgrade to your ET-2/2/5.