Emerald Physics CS-2, Opinions Please

Hello all:

I found and read a couple of older threads regarding these speakers, I've been talking with the dealer, and I have read everything I could find on the internet. I understand the DSP's role and the need to bi-amp. The last step befor I plunk down the plastic, is to ask those of you that have them what you think?

What are the pluses and minuses? If you have had them for a couple of months are you still happy? any regrets?

Best regards,

Swampwalker, this page may give you and tvad some idea of insinuation and related etiquette:

If you are "too old to be a digital native", then you are surely old enough to remember when people in public had manners. And no, my meaning was not "agree to disagree". (People have a hard time with being corrected nowadays and look for alternative endings as a result; your suggesting this is an example).

My meaning simply was: "that's bad behavior and stupid to boot". Too bad I had to explain it. Now I will let it rest, but will understand if you must have the last word. I may re-join this thread to discuss the speaker, but will not address this topic again. There's only so much one can do or say to get the message across.
I would buy the Emerald Physics CS-2 sight unseen just because of who said what about them and because I have been hearing about open baffle speakers for a couple of years now. The idea makes sense to me and this particular attempt at the design concept has been roundly applauded.

Besides that, Underwood Wally is the consummate entrepreneur. You can bet he knows what he is doing in buying a monopoly on these speakers.
The open baffle concept for the bass is wonderful but I'm wondering how the compression driver mates to the bass. There is probably some loss of coherency here. It's very hard to beat the coherency of a single driver like an electrostat or a double mouth back loaded horn. CS-2 is a two way speaker.
I use Single driver speakers and love them, but I must admit the CS2s are just as coherent as my SDs. I do not hear any coherency problems. You really should hear them set up properly before passing judgement.

So far they are the only speakers with full bass I've heard recently that I could live with. If it's not TL or open baffle bass ..I'm really not interested.
This was one of my concerns (the other is the AD-DA conversion, which I still need to run some tests on, but suffice to say at this point that I do not notice digital nasties. At all.)

I have tried very hard to pick out a coherence issue. Listening to various kinds of music at various volumes, unfamiliar as well as the numbingly familiar, I cannot say there is anything going on in the crossover or in the fabric of the music as it is handed off between lower and upper. It is important to note that you should work at the gain in the crossover, even if your amps are of like gain. I have not tried two identical amps so can't say there, but likely that will be ok with the factory settings.

I alluded to the benefits of two amps earlier. The gain adjustability is part of this flexibility for me... on some recordings which are voiced hot, I can drop the upper gain perhaps 1/10 or 2/10 of a dB, and things are more listenable. Perhaps the purists will barf all over this technique... I'm not a purist. As I said before, I know what I like and I like a system that lets me tailor the sound within reason.