Emerald Physics C2 or Usher BE-718

Although i own a pair of Be-718's, i have heard a lot about the Emerald Physics speakers. Has anyone heard both speakers? How does their sound differ and what are their strengths and weaknesses? Would it be a worthy upgrade? Or are the Usher speakers excellent in their own right and not worth the loss of selling and buying? Thanks!

Showing 1 response by ricevs

You can make your own Emerald Physics clones for $1000 total for all parts. These will sound tremendously better than the stock Emerald Physics....some uprades over the stock Emerald include:

Super constrained layer damping of waveguide.

Better driver for waveguide.

Cutting off part of the waveguide that distorts sound.

Felting around the outside front lip of the waveguide to minimize diffration.

Constrain layer damping of woofer frames.

Felting inside of woofer frames.

No grill cloth for more transparent sound.

Ability to hardwire woofers and tweeter directly to eliminate binding post and connecting wire sound.

Vertical rear brace for super rigid baffle.

Even with the stock xover this is incredible....naturally you will want the mod the xover.....the combo is out of this world. I have done all the above except the vertical brace, so I speak from experience. The stock speaker is not OK with me....I know lots of people like it, but once you've even done a few of these mods, you are in a whole nuther league.....this speaker done right is killer. You can do all these things to a stock Emerald too. I am thinking of putting all this info on my website because I think this speaker with mods cannot be beat, assuming you don't mind the fact that you need a xover and 4 channels of amplification.