Emerald Physics C2 or Usher BE-718

Although i own a pair of Be-718's, i have heard a lot about the Emerald Physics speakers. Has anyone heard both speakers? How does their sound differ and what are their strengths and weaknesses? Would it be a worthy upgrade? Or are the Usher speakers excellent in their own right and not worth the loss of selling and buying? Thanks!

Showing 4 responses by giggsy

Before considering the CS2's, bear in mind that yoou need 4 channels of amplification so if you only have an integrated amp you would have to add in the cost of a pre amp and power amps. Also the add in the cost of XLR cables and possibly additional Speaker cables.

The CS2's take a very long time to break in, but once they have they disappear unlike any speaker I have heard. But they do need a minimum of 5ft from the backwall to start singing.

One thing I have noticed, they go deep, organ music makes the floor vibrate but they don't do Reggae music very well. Strange that.

Just for the record, my system is vinyl and I am hearing more from the recordings with this setup even with the analogue-digital-analogue conversion.

Speak to Walter at underwood about the hiss. He can tell you how to turn the gain down to get rid of it if you want.

My CS2's were dead quiet until I upgraded the behringer with Underwood. Then the hiss became noticable. Apparantly the stock behringers have a resistor(?) that cuts the gain down on the high channels. The underwood mod removes this. I chose to leave my speakers with the high gain because I can't actually hear ot from my listening position.
I had Cullen mod my DCX. It was $900, but I was able to A/B test because they sent me a new unit.

There is a definate improvement in soundstaging with modded DCX both width and depth are improved also there is better separation. Not by a whole lot but it makes the whole experience more lifelike.

Emerald physics are looking to replace the DCX with there own crossover later this year (maybe next year). It might be worthwhile waiting to see what they come up with, they are going to have different levels of crossovers I believe.

It's worth giving Clayton or Walter a call if you are interested.