EMC-1 / BOW ZZ-Eight / Sony SCD-1

If I want to upgrade my Anthem CD-1 to one of those CD player above, which one would you pro recommend? My system is all tube from Sonic Frontiers. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by jtinn

The Sony is great because of SACD (have Richard Kern mods done), but if I may add one to the list that has really impressed me no end, try the Audiomeca Mephisto II. Incredibly analog sounding with 24/192 upsampling and aesthetically beautiful to match. It is a bit more money but you may find it worth it. Another one you can add to the list, if you do not need balanced outs, is the 777. I hear there are some incredible things that can be done to it to make it absolutely world class for less than you may think.