Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes

Has anyone heard the Elrog 300B tubes ? I read an article which mentioned that the Elrog 300B delivers 15% less power than a traditional 300B tubes. Can anyone confirm that it is audible ?

I am choosing between Elrog and Takatsuki 300B tubes. I would prefer the Elrog because it is cheaper and supposedly wonderful but if it really sounds less powerful then I have to rethink.

Showing 10 responses by calloway

...thanks for all the input on the Elrog 300b tubes..i will be installing Psvane WE 845s..2 matched pairs, this week and am considering whether to get the Elrog 300b or the Psvane WE 300bs to replace the Sophia 'Royal Princess's i currently have.is there such a thing as a 'synergy' with tubes in an amplifier ?
Charles1dad…have you compared the Elrog 300b to the Psvane WE 300b..?..Just wondering as i recently installed 2 matched pairs of the Psvane WE 845s and will be replacing my current Sophia 'Royal Princess' 300bs,1 in each of my amps, in the very near future..thanks for any thoughts..The Psvane WE 845s are superb. Is there synergy with tubes within the same amp.?
Charles1dad...thanks for your thoughts..I do value them..I will probably flip a coin when the time comes later this month to order the 300b's. I will be having new interstage transformers installed next month in the amps...
Charles..when the next shipment of 300bs come into 'TrueAudiophile' i will be getting a pair..can't wait..
Jeff…thanks for the advice…i will probably get the Elrog's instead of the Psvane's.The Sophia 'Royal Princess' 300bs i have are great but they are getting old and i want to have a spare of both the 845s and the 300b to have on hand in case of a problem. will get them next month. i will be demoing the new HF CT-1 pcs in a week or so and do not want to have 2 new items to evaluate at the same time..i will get back with my thoughts on the Elrogs after getting them..thanks again for your thoughts..Dave
drdavid..i have Psvane WE 845s and 300b tubes and could not be more happy with their performance. sorry about your experience with the Royal Princesses.I used mine for a few years and never had an issue. i still have them as back ups..Anyway....the We's are just superb..
I have new Elrog 300Bs in my SET monoblocks with about 500 hrs on them without problem..great tubes..