Elrod speakers cables?

Has anyone had a chance to here and comment on the new Elrod speaker cables?
Wow , those are right up there with the cost of Purist Audio.
What kind of real world pricing for a 6 foot pair 
I realize this thread is long dormant but i am have owned the Signature Gold speaker cables from Elrod for several years with great results and currently run the Statement Gold speaker cables for a little over a year. The speaker cables are just as amazing in their performance, fit and finish and impact on my system as the latest generations of Statement Gold Powercords and Analog interconnects. If you have not checked them out, I would highly recommend it.

Elrod has just finished his "Master Series" design upgrades for his Statement Silver, Statement Gold and Diamond powercords, interconnects and speaker cables.  I am told by a couple of people that are running them already that they are "beyond words" great in their sonic and musical performance and they are yet another huge improvement in what is possible with SOTA audio cables...

I'm a owner of the Statement and Signature power cords of Elrod, I'm told the speaker cables will come out this Autumn, so eager to try.