Elite Preamps--Electon Images, Messenger, Tube Res

In my research for a hi-end tube preamp I came across some lesser known (to me anyway) elite preamps. Does anyone know anything about the following companies (e.g. years in service, reputation, Website, etc.) or where I can find info on their line of preamps:
* Electron Images (made in Canada by former Sonic Frontiers design guru I think)
* The Messenger
* Tube Research Labs (their website needs some work)

Thanks in advance.

Kevin. First choice is Aesthetix, particularly the new Calypso at $4500.00 retail. It offers (perhaps) 75% the performance of the Callisto in a smaller package and includes the ability to run single ended or balanced with remote control.

I also see an Audio Research Ref 2 (not MK2) here at Audiogon in the used ads. I like this earlier version because you can swap tubes. The later (MK2) version is limited to the 6H30 Russian Mil tube. Both these are good units and run balance and single ended, both are less than 5K and offer good reliability and customer service.
I have not heard the Tube Research Labs preamp in many years, but I have had extensive listening sessions with both the Aesthetix Callisto and the Messenger preamp. In my very strong opinion, the Messenger is by far the finest preamp being made today. As good as the Callisto is, the Messenger makes it sound very tired and small. The Messenger has the biggest soundstage of any preamp that I have ever heard and the tonality is right on. It is extraodinarily dynamic and fast but retains a harmonic retrival and richness that no other premap that I have heard can match.

If you have any way to listen to a Messenger, I would definitely go out of my way to do so. Good luck.


I have not heard the Callisto preamp at all, but I have a very strong opinion of it since it is from the USA. Through extensive listening sessions with both the Radio Shack and the Messenger preamp, In my very strong opinion, the Radio Shack is by far the finest preamp being made today. As good as the Messenger is, the Radio Shack makes it sound very tired and small. The Shack has the biggest soundstage of any preamp that I have never heard and the tonality is right on. It is extraodinarily dynamic and fast but retains a harmonic retrieval and richness that no other preamp that I have never heard can match.

In this case my advise is, please DO shoot the Messenger.
Nicky -- thanks for your thoughts. Do you know where I can find info on the Messenger (e.g. website, reviews etc.)?

canook@aol.com -- nice sense of humour.

The Mesenger is an incredible pre-amp but very costly and out of your budget range. It does most things well, and has incredible bass. The soundstage is great, more realistic than the ARC Ref pre's, which to my ear have an almost spuriously large stage. The noise floor wasn't as quiet as some other pre's to my ear. I agree with Albert, the Calypso is very good, and compared to pre-amps costing much more, a great bang for the buck. Within ballpark of your price range is the EMM Labs Switchman, which is also a very good pre and worth a listen. I won't "advice" you any further, eh?