Element vs. Signal vs. ???

For no reason other than experimentation and the need for bi-wired cables to replace cheap stock jumper plates, I want to change my speaker cables and interconnects. My system is:

Von Schweikert VR-2s
Roksan Kandy KC 1 CD Player
Blue Circle CS Integrated
12ft Straightwire Stage Speaker Cable
3ft Mas Grey Silver Interconnects

I have seen very good reviews for Signal cable, anti-cables (P. Speltz) and more recently Element cables. I'm willing to spend up to $400 for the Speaker cables and $150 for interconnects. Any recommendations? Should I go with silver throughout? VS recommend silver speaker cables, but I'd like to know your recommendations or experiences with similar budgets and equipment as mine.

Thanks for your help,

Showing 1 response by arnold_h

I have no experience with the other brands but I tried some Signal Cable Silver Resolution interconnects and all I can say is WOW! Resolution is something these cables have in spades. Extreme detail and resolution without any hash grain, infact they were smoother than the Audioquest they replaced and revealed much more detail. It's like I can hear all detail right to the very core of the recording, awesome. I also tried the Signal Magic power cord and it is also very good as well. As I said earlier I have no experience with the other brands mentioned but I must say that NOTHING else I have tried comes even close to the Signal cable products, especially for the price.