Electrostatic Speakers

I have been lusting after a pair of electrostatic speakers for my entire life. When I was a kid the Infinity Servo Static was the big dog in town. I heard a pair of stacked (4) QUAD electrostatic when Mark Levinson was saying they were the only speakers up to his standards.

So, It was with great excitement when I ordered a pair of QUAD ESL-2912 speakers. I set them up in my listening room and they were fantastic. Even the bass was impressive, tight and went very low. However not the bass output one would get from a big powered sub-woofer. One night I was playing internet radio and I heard thunder. I walked outside and there was no rain. The thunder was coming from the speakers! Not loud but deep and tight.

I have owned lots of speakers over the years. I sold stereo systems for years when I was younger. I worked for AR for a few years. In all those years I have never heard any speaker that came close to the QUAD ESL-2912 for clarity and transient response.

Then one day the party ended. One of the speakers made a loud single CLICK, just one and then back to normal for days. Then it got much worse. It clicked and thumped every few hours. Then it clicked and thumped every few minutes.

I sent an email to the Distributor asking what to do. No answer. I sent a few more emails, no answer. The clicking was making me nuts so I removed the back cover and disconnected the panel, there are five, that was making the noise. All was back to wonderful except the left speaker was a bit softer in volume than the right speaker.

Over the next few months I sent more emails and my tone turned angry. Finally they sent me a replacement panel. Before the replacement panel arrived more panels went bad in the first speaker and then the second speaker.

Next we shipped both speakers to the factory repair center. Six months they returned with banged up cabinets, torn speaker cloth and one speaker still not working!

So my $ 13,000.00 dream speakers have bitten me. Years ago I had KLH 9 speakers (also full range electrostatic) and never had trouble with them until they died and couldn’t be rebuilt.

Any of you have experience with QUAD electrostatics? Some people say a rebuilt pair of the old ones are way better than the new ones. I assumed that new modern manufacturing methods would have made the new speakers super reliable.

Thoughts?? Am I within my reasonable rights to sue these guys?

Showing 1 response by catalysis

I see this thread is quite old, but allow me to tell you about my saga with 989s when I was still living in England.

I heard a pair at the London Hifi Show soon after they launched and, well, let’s just say they blew me away completely.

So I went home, offloaded some gear and ordered a pair. I won’t say where from because the very well known dealer is still trading and had nothing to do with the awful issues that started almost as soon as I fired up the first pair out of the box, making that crackling and thudding noises that are familiar to many ESL owners up and down the years - but right out of the box when brand new!

My dealer, who was amazing throughout and even visited me to check things out, then arranged for a new pair to be delivered. Same issue. This went on until I reached, wait for it, the 5th pair and they ALL had the same problem...

As a pattern had formed, I decided to bow out and was given a full refund. It was heartbreaking.

It transpired that it was around this time that Quad ESL manufacture had moved to China. From what the OP is saying here, it looks like the glue issues persist to this day. In fact I know they do through conversation with someone who repairs Quads as a hobby. He is often doing rebuilds to overcome this issue, even on the latest pairs.

Prior to this purchase, I had owned a couple of pairs of 63s at various points. I loved them but this was the time in my audiophile career when I was curious about lots of speakers and I inevitably traded them for something.

Another audio dealer friend would generously allow me to take home his shop "retro display" pair of 57s every now and again. I absolutely loved them, even though they clearly needed some servicing.

Fast forward to moving to the States and, after many years of casually looking, about two years ago I located a very unspoiled 1978 pair of 57s and I pulled the trigger.

So far so good, and I have had the rectifiers rebuilt and also had the treble clamps fitted. Nothing comes close to them in terms of that core strength of Quads, the irresistible mid-range.

The 57s are definitely a forever speaker. I do have a cone driven pair of Thiels as my daily drivers, but the Quads come out every few weeks when I lust after more of their magic.

It’s horrible to read that people are still buying their dream speaker, at huge expense, only to be let down by the build issues. The solution is to get an expert repairer to strip them down and make them good. Personally I think Quad should paying for that each and every time for pairs that are still under warranty.

Not the revered company it once was. I highly recommend Ken Kessler’s book "Quad The Closest Approach" that reminds us of happier times at Huntingdon.