Electrostatic amps

Has anyone had the chance to compare the BHSE to the Woo Audio 3ES or any other higher end electrostatic amps. I have the BHSE and am thinking I might to upgrade soon and need some advise. Also my amp has a very light buzz from time to time on my left channel. I have tried different phones and they all have the same problem. Could this be my tubes needing biased or going out. Thanks for any input.


Showing 1 response by rushton

Also my amp has a very light buzz from time to time on my left channel.

Likely a tube.

I also have the BHSE, but I haven't compared it to other electrostatic amps. I recently swapped in a new set of tubes after feeling the sound was getting a bit soft. I'd been on these tubes (NOS Siemens) for two years of heavy daily listening. The new tubes (a set of Sofia Electric EL34-ST tubes) gave the amp a nice sonic refresh.