Electrocompaniet VS. Resolution Audio

Has anyone been able to compare the ECM-1 with the CD-55 (or CD-50)? I've heard about people who have compared the ECM-1 to Meridian, Levinson, etc, but not Resolution Audio. I've heard both described as "very musical", so I was wondering what you thought. How would either of these units compare to a Pioneer DV-05 with a Bel Canto DAC1 or EVS Millenium DAC? Thanks...

Showing 1 response by jel

The Resolution Audio CD55 is very detailed and you will feel that you are in front row. The Electrocompaniet is laid back but detailed too. The Bel Canto with the Pioneer DVD 525 is my choice. It is more similar to the Electrocompaniet less the price. In my opinion this combo is more musical. I prefer musicality than detail. If you have any other questions you can email me. Good luck.