Electrocompaniet EMC-1 24/192...Where to from here

I am looking to hear from previous owners/users of this CDP only.

I currently have this CDP and am still very happy with it. I was actually considering upgrading/modding it, until Electro recently closed the doors. Though it is a great player, I can't see putting money into a machine that cannot be backed 100% with support & parts, by the original manufacturer.

Looking to keep a one box CDP, what have you previous owners of the EMC-1 moved on to?

Please tell me what you switched to, why you switched and changes/improvements that you noticed in comparrison to the Electro CDP.


Showing 1 response by itsalldark

I owned an EMC-1UP for about two years and really enjoyed it and it worked perfectly. I had some extra funds and since my system only had one source I decided to sell my VK50SE preamp and EMC and try the direct route. I purchased the Audio Aero Capitol 2 and could not be happier. The sound is much more liquid, very analog sounding which is what I was looking for. I think the Capitol is a much better sounding player in my system, but it also costs more. I also had the Wadia 861 in the system as well and although the Wadia was good---great detail, I thought once again the capitol had a more analog sound and a much better sound stage.