First off...It was JULY 6th.!
Guess your misplaced anger got the better of you!
Secondly, the "on several websites referred to the subject being discussed on different sites, not YOU being on several different sites, again your misplaced anger i suppose...
That would be "backbone in their backs, not behind their backs" etc. etc...
Gee, WHO'S throwing the defensive temper tantrum???
Paypal is but ONE form of payment made on the option of several...Otherwise Audiogon would be a Paypal only site!
My "tap" cartridge [nice Donald T Junior!!]
Has been listed for 11 days, again with the exaggerations...
The timing is valid, your reaction and name calling are what's defensive and immature...
The only thing you have "busted" is yourself, you "see plots everywhere" complex and your obvious nasty mouth...
Say hello to your good friend CDRC, your a pair [or the same]