El34 = KT88 = KT120

Sure the KT120 is 2x;'s the size of a EL34.
But in my limited expereince ((thus far,,have 1 more experiement just ahead when my new speakers arrive and I build the cabinet, then further testing of the 3 types can begin) 
You get something nice of one tube vs the other 2, and another of he 3 shines better here, the last is slightly superior in this/that aspect.
6 of 1 /half dozen of the other.
I mean it all boils down  gain here, and give up something there.

Power  tube = power tube. 
I would not make such a  big deal over the comparisons. 
Thats said.
I think for me , i prefer the EL34 of all power tubes (as I've been told its the best of the 3) , Why?
Because its the ideal tube in a  PP amp for a  single wide band speaker. 
But i could be wrong, 
Will test out the 3 tubes in a few weeks. 
I actually could not hear much differences on the Seas speakers. All 3 sounded so very close. 
You might say the Kt120's out shoot the tiny EL34 in the  low bass fq's. 
I have Mundorf caps in the amp, these high end caps  adds a  nice punchy bass to any tube in the socket. 
The EL34 has just about same bass as the huge KT120's. 
I just don't see much difference  to debate the issue. 

Showing 2 responses by oldhvymec

OK mozartfan 12 foot pole.

Still on that "one driver fits all" kick I see.

I can't think of two valves that a more different.. 

KT88 sounds close to an EL34?

Man alive get your hearing checked.. and buy a speaker that REVEALS the difference in valves..

How about a GOOD small planar based system for starters..

Round speakers SUCK.. period.. Mid bass down, there is no other place for them in my home stereo..

Slow, sloppy, round speakers.. Pretty Simple really..