I had the Andra I's in my room for a few weeks driven by the Tenor 300 Hybrids and it was great. But these are much more powerful than the 75's, and even with the improved effeciency of the II's, I agree with Mike, I don't think the 75's will be enough to drive them. If your budget is flexible, a used pair of 300's would do it. The Lamms are also fabulous amps, and would certainly drive them better than the 75's. But if you can afford it, I personally think the 300's would sound better. I have heard the 2 amps A/B'd side by side, and prefered the Tenors and agree again with Mike. I don't own either.
Eggleston Andra 2 with Tenor or Lamm ???
Just bought new Andras II. Does anybody heard them with
Tenor 75 or Lamm M1.1 ???
I have CJ Premier 140, listening room is pretty big and high. Do you recommend tubes or solid state on Andras, and
what amp is the best match? I would feed amp directly from Accuphase DP85 without preamp.
Thank You and Greetings from Croatia
Tenor 75 or Lamm M1.1 ???
I have CJ Premier 140, listening room is pretty big and high. Do you recommend tubes or solid state on Andras, and
what amp is the best match? I would feed amp directly from Accuphase DP85 without preamp.
Thank You and Greetings from Croatia