Efficient floorstndrs. to reach above furniture

I'm getting nowhere except frustrated trying to fill large space with sound from Silverline 17.5 monitors. Subs didn't work. I'm now soliciting suggestions for efficient floorstanders with drivers located near top of cabinet to surmount obstructing furniture. Space is: 17 X 30 w/ 10 foot ceilings and adjoining 2 - storey entry. Power: Creek Creek 5350 se., which I may have to upgrade. My total budget for speakers and more powerful amp is
$ 4000.00 (used). Thanks!

Showing 4 responses by stuartk

Shadome, it appears, from a quick search of used gear on audiogon, that what you suggest would greatly exceed my budget. Jaybo, do you have any particular speakers in mind?
Shadorne, I should've clarified that ideally, I'd prefer to keep my Creek and just swap out speakers. Thanks to all who suggested speakers-- I will start to research recommendations The Zu's are very appealing, due to their return policy, but will look into others as well.
Shadorne,I appreciate your description of the advantages/disadvantages of horn speakers. As I have very little flexibility re: placement, it sounds as though they might not be the best choice.Thanks for your input.